Girl this resonated so much with me. I went to college for fashion and dreamed of too being a stylist living in Brooklyn, NY. Then I found makeup and dropped out of college to pursue my 9 year career in makeup and LOVE IT until I didn't anymore. Fast forward, I am writing now which was my minor in college. The life of working as a creative is tough, and you are right it's not for the weak. My experience has been similar waiting for the day the income is steady so the passion can be not only fulfilling but sustainable. No wonder we are tired. I learned I spent too much of my energy chasing money rather than manifesting aligned consistent high paying clients. That was my mantra for the first couple years into full time entrepreneurship. Now I have found myself in a situation where I don't have a "career" path but I still desire to work. The work I desire to do is helping other creatives achieve their goals of getting their brands in front of their audience. Because you are an astrology girlie I want to share with you something that has really helped me. Look at the sign that rules your Midheaven, which is typically in the 10H. This was a gamechanger for me in my entrepreneur journey. My midheaven is in Taurus so cultivating aesthetics is my vibe that's what I am naturally good at, but with that is this desire for stability. I've used this information to help me cultivate what work looks like to me personally, based on how it feels. When the project doesn't feel good I know it's not for me, and when it feels good I lean more into that feeling. This is getting long, but I love your writing it is always so relatable. Maybe if I get to do a book signing tour we can connect when I make my way to Brooklyn!

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Thank you so much for your kind words and checking it out! Listen, makeup artists are truly magicians!!!!! Exactly, working as a creative is literally one of those things you have to love or you will be done with it so quickly. Yes, the past few years I've been very intentional about the projects I take on and what brands/people I create with. All money ain't good money and it took a while for me to get that, especially in this industry. I love that your helping other creatives now, the work you're doing is SO necessary! The industry can be such a "crabs in a barrel" mentality so, that's beautiful! Wow, my midheaven is in Capricorn, 10th house which has a lot to do with being a natural leader which makes so much sense because that's definitely how I am. I'm going to spend more time this weekend diving into my midheaven. OMG, I would love that! I'm back & forth between Brooklyn and Philly so If you do a book signing in either city, I am there.

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I promise I thought I replied back to you days ago! How did your Midheaven search go? With Capricorn placements girl I know your style sets be organized to a T! I would also ask you, what makes your style stand out from other stylist and start to lean more into that. It would be cool if you styled based on the Rising sign (for positive first impressions) and/or the Venus sign (to appeal more attractive) on sets. Say it's a company and you pull their birth chart as apart of your consultation and create a mood board based on their sign placements. Random thoughts.

I could talk about this stuff all day, but I am excited to see you in the near future!

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the midheaven point sent me straight to cafe astrology because!!!! Thanks for this comment Jacquie, I can't wait to dive into it some more

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Yes!!! Girl let me know what you discover I love to see how people interpret theirs and use it!

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Yes absolutely, I'm gonna message you because this is so eye-opening! thank youu

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Yes please reach out! I love talking about this stuff lol

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Coming to you from Amara Amarah's recent post. My side biz is different from yours (will definitely be checking out your directory website, 'fo sho), but I learned upfront to do a 50% deposit and then bill them when I'm done. I don't upload the files until the remaining balance is paid. Also, I'm definitely going to have to look into the astrology side of things when it comes to my career.

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Damn, this post was so so timely. I'm riding the same rollercoaster with you!! I am so grateful for this offering and your observations. I relate to so much of your experiences. My journey as a freelancer pretty much paralleled my journey as a long-term traveller and I am so grateful for what this has taught me about the transition from being an employee and advocating for myself, setting boundaries, having patience with my capacity, shedding old worker mentalities, pivoting, being inspired and doing the most if and only if it feels aligned and exciting. When it comes to how I organize my day, I have been keeping Mondays as sacred for a while now. I smiled so hard when I saw your point about Monday being the day of the moon, a space of flow not hard work.

Also, I feel like you were speaking from my own heart about being able to manage your time and day accordingly (big 'i'm in charge of me' aqua energy looool i love us). We put the FREE in freelancer, nothing matters more to me than cherishing my own time and freedom. Lovely read!

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Awww, wow! *sends virtual hug* I’m so glad you were able to resonate so deeply and that I’m not alone on this rollercoaster ride! Whewww, “setting boundaries, having patience with my capacity, shedding old worker mentalities….” you start preaching because I deeply feel this as well!!! It’s so much inner work required as a freelancer and entrepreneur that often isn’t talked about! Listen, Monday I take things slow! If don’t take meetings or do lots of heavy physical work on Monday’s because my body will side eye me because it knows that’s not in alignment with the Moon!

I’m in charge of me is BIG Aqua energy and I love it/us!! I have an Aquarius stellium (Sun, Moon, Saturn, and Mercury) so that’s extremely important to me as well!! Thank you so much for taking the time to check this essay out and your connection to it brings me lots of joy!

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thank you and sending virtual love and hugs back your way!! Yo you are really speaking to me because our Mondays are so similar. I organise and I avoid meetings, I actually treat it as a soft launch for my work week where possible. I've been trying to write about this experience but this essay has definitely helped to encourage me to see that it is really something we should talk more about. thank YOU so much for writing this, your writing has inspired me once again! Always a delight to be in community with another aqua!!

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